Cub Scout Shooting Sports Day
Saturday, September, 17
Covenant Community Church
11 Rocket Drive
Asheville, NC 28803
As decades of Cub Scouting have shown,
most boys love to shoot!
Come out and enjoy doing what Cub Scouts Love to do!!!
Beyond capturing that enthusiasm, the Boy Scouts America created the Cub Scout Shooting Sports Awards program to encourage in Cub Scouts the development of safe shooting practices and proficiency in shooting sports. As a Cub Scout participates in shooting sports activities and works toward an award, he not only builds confidence in his abilities, but he also develops self-reliance, sportsmanship, and conservation awareness—all elements of good character valued in Scouting. Through experiential learning guided by a knowledgeable adult, Cub Scouts will learn the safe and responsible use of BB guns, slingshots, and archery equipment. The goal is for the Cub Scout to have fun in a safe environment, not to become an expert marksman, range master, or hunter.